Design, Coding and Development by: © Joaquim Fontes | 2017 Mail: < back 

15 POSTERS FOR 4 MOVIES  (photography | design)

Promotional movie-posters of 4 imaginary films*, whose actors are action-figures of characters from the world of Cinema and Music.

From the iconographic nature of the characters, visual synopses of imaginary films are staged, inspired by cinema classics.

- “Carlitos…! Tidy the toys!…”

The project reflects on the role of actors of Film and Music industries, comparing them to action-figures "maneuvered" by a certain type of marketing that is more mercantilist than artistic.

Concept Art, Photography and Graphic Design: Joaquim Fontes

Typology: One teaser-poster and several character-posters per movie.

Dimensões: 686mm x 1020mm (american vertical one-sheet model).

Note: the 4 imaginary films are at the moment in script writing stage and/or editing stage.


português | español 15 cartazes para 4 filmes 15 carteles para 4 películas
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