Design, Coding and Development by: © Joaquim Fontes | 2017 Mail: < back 

OCTOPUS PROJECT  (augmented reality)

Project-site that combines virtual reality with the physical world, through the stamping of an augmented reality marker on a t-shirt… that when captured by a digital camera, reveals a virtual octopus.

From the concept "object vs. representation" of the work of René Magritte ("Ceci n'est pas une pipe"), the project proposes something similar but opposite, in light of the communication technologies currently available and the theme "real vs. virtual": countering a statement with its "non-representation".

The Future Place (and its tentacles), in the Present.

* As much similar an image may be to an object, it will never be that object. It will be its representation, with another communicational identity.


* click: opens a new browser window

"Octopus Project" microsite
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